Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I am so excited to share, after 4 years my boyfriend has proposed. It was a total shock and brought more excitement than I ever anticipated.

This year has been the year of weddings and engagements for my group of friends. Through it all, I have found several great ideas that I would like to share. One specifically being the, Guest Book.

Most people don't ever refer back to their guest book, as it typically collects dust sitting on the book shelf. My friend Sara was looking for a creative way to incorporate her guest book in her everyday life. Ideas I found (sadly didn't think of on my own) are listed below:

Do you like having friends and family over, than a signature platter is perfect for you. Another option would be a signature vase. Check out the links below.

The You-nique Boutique:
Wedding :

From The You-Nique Boutique


Another great option is a Wedding Photo Guest Book from Adesso Albums. This type of guest book is interactive and fun for your guests. They can take a traditional photo or capture a moment during the reception. Check it out by visiting the following link:

From Adesso Albums

Decorative River Stones: One option would be to have your guests sign the stone and drop in a vase. There is an old Irish Catholic Tradition where guests would toss a stone in the water while makeing a wish for the married couple.  To follow the tradition you can have the vase filled with water.

From The Knot

I will continue to share my findings as they come.



Thursday, February 4, 2010

In between sizes???

I am sure almost everyone, shoe lover or not, has run into a situation where their shoe's don't fit. We all probably have a laundry list of why our shoes no longer fit or how about never fit to begin with. There are several tricks to help modify the size, for example:

1. Shoe Insoles
2. Heel & Toe Grips / Pads
3. Arch Supports
4. Extra Socks
5. Cotton Balls

*** and the list can go on and on. One trick I have not heard, is LAMBSWOOL. I read today in Lucky magazine, if there is too much room in the toe of your shoe turn to Lambswool. This is the same product that ballerinas use with their point shoes. The lambswool is soft and will fill the empty space. By using lambswool you don't have to worry about adhesive wearing or your altenative solution over compensating resulting in a shoe that becomes too small. Lambswool can customized to your foot.

You can purchase lambswool at any dance supply store or online. The fix is inexpensive and a box will provide enough wool for more than one pair of shoes. The catch, it solves the problem with closed toed shoes.

Now what will our other style shoe's solution be????

