Friday, May 13, 2011

After Travel Blues

Image from Idea go
Do you get sick after traveling? Specifically on planes?

I just returned from Texas and brought home the worst cold ever. I am usually pretty resilient, but this time not so much. My head, ears ,and throat had so much pressure. My body ached. I felt like a baby; every other moment begging my husband to cater to me. I slept, drank water, ate soup and slept some more. I was useless. After almost a week I finally started to feel better.

And of course, I still had to work and my line of work requires a lot of talking and to doctors. I sounded like an old man. It was apparent that I was totally sick. By the time I was feeling better you could hear it in my voice. My doctor even brought it up, "So I can hear you are doing better"...yup, that’s right I no longer sound like an old man. Then he gave me a brilliant tip. I am not a doctor and can't guarantee this will actually work, however it sounds good to me.

Doc said, "When you travel it's common for people to get sick. Why, because the combination of recycled air and air pressure. The air pressure creates an incredibly dry environment causing the tissue in your nasal passage to create minute cracks. The cracks are then more susceptible to infection carried throughout the recycled air. To help prevent both (cracks & infection) prior to taking off take a Q-Tip with a small amount of either Vaseline or Neosporin and swab the interior portion of each nostril. This will coat the inside of your nasal passage with moisture to help prevent the mini cracks."

Sounds good to me. Anything to keep me from getting sick. Between docs tip and Airborne I think I will remain healthy with my future travels. Any tips please share?

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