Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Simple Leason's

I just left one of my new favorite cafes in Long Beach...Starling Cafe.  As I was standing there waiting for my Lavender Latte to-go I noticed a simple but impactful piece of art.  At first it looked like kids writing, as I got close up I realized it was a stitched piece.  The lessons were simple and what everyone should live by.  It reminds me of the saying "Everything I need to know I learned in Kindergarten"... here are the 5 Lessons to Live By (Writer Unknown):

1. Don't Be Negative
2. Be Kind to Others
3. Never Give Up
4. Remember to say 'Please' and 'Thank You'

If you have any additions please share....Enjoy!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Favorite Daily Fix...

Every morning my routine is pretty much the same thing, alarm goes off, I role out of bed 1/2 asleep, walk upstairs, start a cup of hot green tea, turn on my computer, check email and then reality hits I am actually starting my work day.  To ease into my actually responsibility I always start my day reading a guilty pleasure, a blog called "Cupcakes & Cashmere".  Friends I know I talk about this, I seriously recommend you check it out.  It's girly and fun and a great way to start your day.